Using Social Media for Advocacy

Social media can be a powerful tool in helping to increase community awareness, promote advocacy and agency, and educate others about local community health center (CHC) services. Here’s how you can help Save Health Care in Washington (SHCW) advocate on social media:

→ Follow us and your local CHC on social media. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook and engage with our content to help increase awareness. Find your local CHC on our Community Page.

→ Share posts by SHCW and your local CHCs. Sharing our videos and photos helps us find future advocates for affordable healthcare..

→ Tag us and your local CHC when sharing advocacy content on social media. Tag @savehealthcare and your local CHC (find your CHC’s website on our Community Page) in healthcare advocacy posts. This can help us find our strongest advocates and grow our collective voice.

→ Tag your legislators! Visit Washington state’s district finder page to find and learn more about your local representatives.

→ Be respectful. We believe inclusivity and want affordable, quality health care for all.

Save Health Care in WA Social Media Graphics